KITA has developed and tested a soybean out-grower scheme with about 11000 farmers in three regions of Ghana

The initiative involves the mobilization of farmer groups and actors along the value chain including input distributors, tractor operators, soybean processors, and exporters with the aim of facilitating increased productivity and incomes for farmers and improvement in the soybean value chain in Ghana.

The program has received approval from the Out Grower Value chain Fund (OVCF) in partnership with the Agricultural Development Bank to assist farmers to scale up productivity and strengthen the value chain.

KITA has significant experience in farmer mobilization, training, and market development as well as value chain development for increasing farmer productivity and incomes in Ghana and Africa.

KITA is still open to further partnerships with local and international organizations to scale up the program in other regions as well as consolidate the on-going initiative for farmers in Ghana.

Partnerships for mechanized agro-services, input supply, climate change action, gender and leadership training as well as nutrition for farming families and organic market options to purchase farmers products

Please contact us for further discussions if you are interested in partnership –